Project purpose: To build an inexpensive CNC router for the Making Awesome makerspace for teaching and general use.
The Mechanism: The mechanism was to use the ShapeOko basic design, but to be built with on hand and donated parts where possible.
The Electronics: Because this is a teaching machine we set the following criteria.
1) The electronic should be inexpensive and serviceable.
2) The initial system will use LinuxCNC software and, therefore, require a parallel port desktop.
3) A later system will use an Arduino with GRBL and require some PCB development. See post.
Selected Electronic Hardware:
1) SainSmart 5 Axis breakout board ST-V6 at $23.
2) SainSmart TB6560 driver board ST330 V2. Only one was purchase at $18. See blog post.
3) Haoyu TB6600 driver. Two purchased at $20ea
4) Power supply: 24VDC at 6.5A